25 maj 2023
Hiše 25/50
Z odgovori o preteklosti in prihodnosti slovenske arhitekture smo sodelovali pri jubilejni številki revije Hiše.
Več... |
05 mar 2023
We wuz robbed
V noči na iz sobote na nedeljo je neznanec vdrl v naše prostore in odnesel - nič zelo vrednega, tri vrtalne stroje in eno pivo iz hladilnika.
Več... |
15 mar 2022
Put do kuće
Naši projekti prenov večstanovanjskih stavb so objavljeni v zborniku "Put do kuće" založbe Istraživački centar za prostor Univerze v Banja Luki.
Več... |
20 apr 2019
Žvižgači, dobrodošli pri nas!
Po aretaciji Juliana Assangea v Londonu je tednik Mladina objavil predloge za stanovanja za žvižgače na vrhu slovenskih ambasad po tujini, ki so jih pod mentorstvom Tomaža Krištofa izdelali študentje mariborske FGPA in ljubljanske FA.
Več... |
18 sep 2018
Žirija za interier leta
Tomaž Krištof je sodeloval kot član žirije za podelitev nagrade "Interier leta" v okviru prireditve Meseca oblikovanja 2018. Iskrene čestitke finalistom in izbranim nagrajencem!
Več... |
03 apr 2017
Brdo 2
Natečajni projekt za stanovanjsko naselje Brdo 2, ki smo ga naredili skupaj s Kombinat arhitekti, je sedaj predstavljen na naših internetnih straneh.
Več... |
07 nov 2016
Delavnica Novo na starem
Tomaž Krištof bo vodil študentsko arhitekturno delavnico z naslovom NOVO NA STAREM.
študentov je izdelati projekte za stanovanja za žvižgače na strehah slovenskih ambasad po svetu.
Več... |
27 okt 2016
Druga koža
Oddali smo prvi projekt za kitajskega naročnika Elab, prenovo vrtca in klubske hiše v stanovanjskem naselju Xiamen, opuščenem že med samo gradnjo.
Več... |
28 sep 2016
Predavanje v Pekingu
Tomaž Krištof je predaval na konferenci International Development of Human settlements Forum, organizirani kot del letošnjega tedna oblikovanja v Pekingu (Beijing Desing Week 2016).
Več... |
01 avg 2016
Objava projekta Ts2
Naš projekt, prenova Ts2, je bil objavljen v knjigi Välkommen till Framtiden, katalogu k razstavi Architecture of Necessity v Smålandu na Švedskem. |
04 jun 2016
Knjige o bivanju
Seznam vseh knjig o bivanju, ki so jih izbrali razstavljalci slovenskega paviljona na arhitekturnem bienalu v Benetkah, je sedaj na voljo na internetni domači strani paviljona.
27 may 2016
[Home at Arsenale]
An opening of Slovenian pavilion curated by Dekleva Gregorič architects at this year’s International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. One of the invited participants is also Studio Krištof.
[Home at Arsenale] on FB...
[Home at Arsenale] homepage... |
19 may 2016
An interview with Tomaž Krištof about position of architects in Slovenia after 2008 for Slovenian architectural magazine Hiše.
Zavod BIG... |
15 apr 2016
Iso-cube updated
We added new images to our old project, Riot-Isolation-Cube.
Iso-Cube... |
26 mar 2016
Architecture of necessity
We have been invited by international jury to participate at this year's Architectural trienalle Architecture of Necessity in Virserums Konsthall in Småland, Sweeden.
Architecture of necessity... |
25 mar 2016
[Home at Arsenale]
We have been invited to participate at this year's Slovenian Pavilion at the Venice Architectural Bienalle (curators of Slovenian Pavilion: Dekleva Gregorič arhitekti).
La Biennale di Venezia...
04 mar 2016
Dominum d.o.o.
We established a new company with our partners (Kostak, Delta-union, BM Inženiring), DOMINUM d.o.o.. Dominum is going to offer housing renovations, based on our two projects, Ts2 and Pr5.
Ts2 renovation...
Pr5 renovation...
04 mar 2016
Urban study
We submitted an urban study of three plots for our client, Ministry of internal affairs of Slovenia.
Mnz... |
25 feb 2016
Round table
Tomaž Krištof participated as one of the speakers at a round-table debate "Residential Neighbourhoods" (FA LJ).
See more... |
15 dec 2015
ATVP (Securities Market Agency)
Studio Krištof finished a small scale project for an entrance lobby of Securities Market Agency of Slovenia.
ATVP... |
15 dec 2015
Housing blocks renovations
A new article by Tomaž Krištof on possibilities of housing blocks' renovations in AB Architect's Bulletin.
AB Architect's Bulletin... |
5 dec 2015
Slovenska street renovation
Studio Krištof was part of the design team that renovated the main boullevard of Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia (with Dekleva Gregorič arhitekti, Katušić Kocbek arhitekti, Sadar+Vuga and Scapelab).
See the project... |
25 nov 2015
Two industrial buildings checked
We just finished technical due diligence of two industrial buildings in Slovenia for German real-estate consulting company Drees&Sommer:
01 - Bosh, Škofja Loka
02 - Bosh, Železniki
DueDiligence... |
5 nov 2015
Tomaž Krištof started working as a guest lecturer and critic on a faculty for architecture (FGPA) in Maribor.
FGPA Maribor... |
16 oct 2015
Our competition entry for refugees' integration published in Outsider magazine
Outsider (magazine)... |
14 oct 2015
Conference on migrations
Tomaž Krištof gave a lecture on spatial/urban aspects of migrations and refugee integration. With Rajko Muršič and Janja Brodar.
Conference... |
07 oct 2015
Refugee housing
We participated a competition for refugee housing in Slovenia, organized by Outsider magazine. Our project was selected as one of five finalists.
Co-authors: dr. Rajko Muršič and Janja Brodar (illustrations).
Outsider (magazine)... |
29 jul 2015
Conceptual Architecture
One of our oldest projects (The White Peacock) on the cover of a book 'Conceptional Architecture' which includes architects such as MVRDV, BIG, Ofis, 3LHD, etc.
Published by Hi-design, Hong-Kong.
See the project... |
29 jun 2015
Five buidlings checked
We just finished technical due diligence of five buildings in Slovenia and Croatia for Centrice:
01 - Rotonda, Ljubljana
02 - Castellum, Zagreb
03 - Brodarica, Split
04 - Škorpikova, Zagreb
05 - Stekleni dvor, Ljubljana
DueDiligence... |
19 jun 2015
Yet another article on renovations
An article about the renovations in Slovenia in weekly newspaper Mladina.
Read the article....
Mladina... |
18 jun 2015
Cankarjeva cesta
The works have started on a renovation of another street in Ljubljana, Cankarjeva cesta.
17 jun 2015
An interview for for Delo in dom
An interview about renovations of apartment buildings in Slovenia.
Read the interview... |
2 jun 2015
An interview for POP TV
An interview about renovations of apartment buildings in Slovenia.
24 apr 2015
Architecture of the future
Our project published in the article about the future of architecture (by Boris Matič, Mladina)
See the project... |
15 jan 2015
An interview for 8.dan
An interview about architectural competitions in Slovenia for Slovene national TV (RTV SLO).
6 nov 2014
A lecture in Maribor
Tomaž Krištof will give a lecture at the days of architecture in Maribor (Mariborski arhitekti, panorama)
8 oct 2014
Ts2 renovation
We did another project for housing block renovation: Ts2 in Ljubljana.
See the project...
6 oct 2014
Month of Design 2014
Studio Krištof participates with two projects at this year's Month of Design in Ljubljana: Muses and Ts2.
Month of Design (Mesec oblikovanja)
6 oct 2014
South-East Europe
Tomaž Krištof participated as a jury member at the 'South-East Europe Interiors' exhibition and awards a part of Month of Design in Ljubljana.
Links: Month of Design (Mesec oblikovanja) |
1 sep 2014
Back to School
Tomaž Krištof started working as a technical assistant in Jure Sadar's studio at Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana.
Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana
30 jun 2014
Studio Krištof teamed-up with Slovene artist Damjana Stopar Štrovs to create a pavillion as a part of 'Muze' / 'The Muses' project at Month of design in Ljubljana.
Damjana Stopar Štrovs,
Month of Design (Mesec oblikovanja)
Damjana Stopar Štrovs
14 jun 2014
Music School Poznan
We participated a competition for Music school in Poznan (Poland) and got 2nd degree honorable mention. (With Easst.com and Sadar+Vuga)
See the project...
30 may 2014
Twin Villa
A new project for a twin villa above city park in Maribor, Slovenia.
See the project... |
3 apr 2014
Round table
Tomaž Krištof participated as one of the speakers at a round-table debate "Do we need a spatial and landscape planning policy?" (MSUM)
See more... |
20 dec 2013
Slovenia 2.0
Our proposal for a new Slovene flag sized 1000x2000px (2 milion pixels for 2 milion Slovenes)
See the project.... |
9 dec 2013
Elderly house in Slovenska Bistrica
The building is now officially open. First 60 residents (of 124) already moved in.
See the project.... |
20 nov 2013
DueDiligence, our trademark for property inspections, got a new webpage!
1 oct 2013
A suggestion to city of Ljubljana to build a sunken stage in the center of the city's main square.
See the project...
12 oct 2013
BA 13
Tomaž Krištof will give a lecture on 'BIG arhitektura' conference in Ljubljana.
BA 13...
21 sep 2013
Gogol Fest Kiev
Our work will be presented on Gogol Fest in Kiev, Ukraine, by Rok Jereb as part of his lecture 'Sublime Fun (Private Joy in Being an Architect)'.
Jereb in Budja Arhitekti...
Gogol Fest...
22 jul 2013
Iso-Cube in 'Delo'
Riot Isolation Cube has just been published in Slovene main daily (political) newspaper Delo.
blog post...
6 jun 2013
R/K established!
We established a joint venture with Reichenberg Arhitektura.
25 may 2013
Second prize!
Iso-Cube got second prize at the international competition for Temporary Shelters in Turkey.
See the project...
8 may 2013
ATCC opening
On the 8th of May the new Air Traffic Control Center was opened. Mission accomplished.
(ATCC is a Sadar+Vuga project, Studio Krištof collaborated as a contractor for final detailed drawings and architectural construction site surveillance)
See our outsourced projects...
18 apr 2013
Riot Iso Cube
Iso-Cube has been selected as one of top ten projects at the international competition for Temporary Shelters in Turkey.
The final event with projects presentations and a final jury decision is going to take place at the end of May at 8th International Young Architects' Meeting in Antalya.
See the results...
12 feb 2013
Kindergarten Pedenjped
We participated + lost another competition.
See the project...
01 feb 2012
Studio Krištof now on Facebook
You have a great opportunity to like us!
Visit our FB site...
27 dec 2012
Studio Krištof on '8.dan'
Studio Krištof has been presented as one of the offices participating in a new type of cultural economy (office/people/project sharing) on Slovene national TV.
See the clip...
26 dec 2012
Riot Isolation Cube in 'Hiše'
Our latest project, Riot Isolation Cube, has just been published in Slovene architectural magazine Hiše.
See the project...
2 dec 2012
We have a president!
Our ex-employee Borut Pahor has just been elected for a president of Republic of Slovenia!
Those who are also interested in voluntary working for Studio Krištof, please send us an email to office@studiokristof.com. There is a great future ahead of you! |
20 nov 2012
Studio Krištof in 'Kult'
A preview of our work has just been published in 'Kult',
an insert of Slovene main daily newspaper 'Delo'
See the story...
10 nov 2012
Lecture at "Pecha kucha Ribnica"
09 oct 2012
Studio Krištof is now a part of KEO group!
KEO is a consortium of six egineering companies for energetic renewals of buildings in Slovenia
www.keo.si |
21 sep 2012
Bridge over Ljubljanica
We participated + lost another competition.
See our entry.... |
14 sep 2012
New employee!
As a part of his campaign for presidential elections, Slovene former prime minister (and also former president of Slovene parliament, former social-democratic party leader, and former member of European parliament) Borut Pahor worked in our office for one day.
See more at:
news: www.borutpahor.si/....
gallery: www.facebook.com/... |
11 sep 2012 Elderly house in Slovenska Bistrica
First technical inspection of the building.
See the project.... |
28 aug 2012
About the same time we did a NUK2 competition in Ljubljana, JDS architects participated an invited competition for Xiasha cultural complex in China. By coincidence we both did almost the same project!
See our project...
See their project...
27 jul 2012
Lecture at "Demanio Marittimo KM-278" in Ancona, Italy
An overnight 6pm - 6am architectural event with lectures, exhibition, DJ's and movies.
See more at:
www.demaniomarittimokm278.blogspot.it/ |
24 jul 2012
Architectural counselling
As a part of European Capital of Culture, we gave a free architectural councelling at the main square in Maribor.
See more at:
polenta2012.blogspot.com |
18 may 2012
We participated competition for the new national and university library of Slovenia in Ljubljana.
See the project....
18 apr 2012
Apartment renovation
Our renovation of the apartment was published in Slovene architectural magazine Hiše
For the article we counted the number of all things we have in the apartment (books, clothes, dishes, lights, etc.).
The number is 4054!
See the story.... |
12 apr 2012
Elderly house in Slovenska Bistrica
Concrete works are almost finished at the construction site of DSO.
See the project.... |
31 dec 2011
What a great year!
Studio Krištof again more than doubled its annual income.
If this is a crisis, let it last in 2012!
30 oct 2011
In past three months we inspected nearly 300.000 sqm of 20 shopping malls in Slovenia and examined 1.500 folders of project documentation.
The Trajan project is now finished. |
25 may 2011
We participated competition for new sports hall in Novo mesto, Slovenia.
See the project... |
09 sep 2010
Elderly house in Slovenska Bistrica
Foundation stone of Elderly house in Slovenska Bistrica was set.
(Photo: Branko F.)
See the project.... |
18 feb 2009
Kolizej Ljubljana
We have just signed a contract to work as a 'local architect' with Vasco+Partner (Austria) on a Neutelings-Riedijk project for a new hotel and opera in center of Ljubljana. |
sep 2007
Graz - Kalvariengürtel
The most boring project we ever did got the 2nd prize at invited competition for urban development in Graz